A hash table data structure is just like an array. Data is stored into this array at specific inde by a hash function. A hash function hashes a number in a large range into a number in a smaller range. Linear search: Linear or Sequential Search is a method where the search begins at one …

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A graph is a mathematical tool used to represent a physical problem. It is also used to model networks, data structures, scheduling, computation and a variety of other systems where the relationship between the objects in the system plays a dominant role. Types of graph: A graph often symbolized as G can be of two …

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A tree is a finite set of one or more nodes connected by edges such that i) There is a specially designated node called the root ii) The remaining nodes are partitioned into n (>=0) mutually exclusive disjoint sets. Basic Terminology: i) Node: Each data item in a tree is called a node. It specifies …

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Singly Linked Lists: A linked list is a data structure where data can be represented as a chain of nodes. Each node of a linked list contains two parts: one is the address part, another is the data part. The address part holds the address of the node which is next to or previous to …

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Stacks and Queues are the most important chapters in Data Structure.                               Stack & Queue : Stacks: A stacks is an abstract data type. Which declares two methods PUSH and POP.? Stacks are implemented either by an array or by a linked list. The PUSH operation allows us to insert data at the end of …

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Data (plural of “datum”), refers to qualitative or quantitative attributes of a variable or set of variables. Typically, data are the results of measurements and can be the basis of graphs, images or observations a set of variables. Metadata is a data containing the description of other data. Earlier term for metadata is ancillary data. …

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