A graph is a mathematical tool used to represent a physical problem. It is also used to model networks, data structures, scheduling, computation and a variety of other systems where the relationship between the objects in the system plays a dominant role. Types of graph: A graph often symbolized as G can be of two …

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A tree is a finite set of one or more nodes connected by edges such that i) There is a specially designated node called the root ii) The remaining nodes are partitioned into n (>=0) mutually exclusive disjoint sets. Basic Terminology: i) Node: Each data item in a tree is called a node. It specifies …

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Singly Linked Lists: A linked list is a data structure where data can be represented as a chain of nodes. Each node of a linked list contains two parts: one is the address part, another is the data part. The address part holds the address of the node which is next to or previous to …

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Data (plural of “datum”), refers to qualitative or quantitative attributes of a variable or set of variables. Typically, data are the results of measurements and can be the basis of graphs, images or observations a set of variables. Metadata is a data containing the description of other data. Earlier term for metadata is ancillary data. …

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C Pointers With Examples

Pointers are special variables that are used to store addresses rather than values. Assigning addresses to Pointers : Here, the address of c is assigned to the pc pointer. To get the value stored in that address, here used *pc. Example: Output : Explanation of the program: pc = &c; This assigns the address of variable c to the pointer pc. *pc = …

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A hash table data structure is just like an array. Data is stored into this array at specific inde by a hash function. A hash function hashes a number in a large range into a number in a smaller range. Linear search: Linear or Sequential Search is a method where the search begins at one …

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Stacks and Queues are the most important chapters in Data Structure.                               Stack & Queue : Stacks: A stacks is an abstract data type. Which declares two methods PUSH and POP.? Stacks are implemented either by an array or by a linked list. The PUSH operation allows us to insert data at the end of …

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File Handling in C

C programs are done on a terminal that is not stored anywhere. In the software industry, most programs are written to store the information fetched from the program. One such way is to store the fetched information in a file. Why files are needed? If you have to enter a large number of data, it …

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Quick Sort in C

Explain the algorithm for QUICK sort ( partition exchange sort) and give a suitable example. Quick sort is based on partition. It is also known as partition exchange sorting. The basic concept of quick sort process is pick one element from an array and rearranges the remaining elements around it. This element divides the main …

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Explain in detail about sorting and different types of sorting techniquesSorting is a technique to rearrange the elements of a list in ascending or descending order, which can be numerical, lexicographical, or any user-defined order. Sorting is a process through which the data is arranged in ascending or descending order. Sorting can be classified in …

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