What Is C Language ? Character Set, Variables, Keywords In C

What is C :

  • Programming Language, designed by Dennis Ritchie
  • Reliable, Simple, Easy to use
  • Builder  & Basic Programming Language
  • Popular Operating System – Windows, Unix, Linux    written in C
  • Mobile devices- Smart Phones, Tablets, Microwave Ovens, Washing Machine come from Microprocessor, Operating system, Programs. C is the language of choice while building such Operating systems & Programs.
  • 3D Computer Games built using C Language.
  • Easy for learning other programming languages.
  • Constructed by Constants, Variables, Keywords.

C Character Set :

  • Alphabets :

A, B,……………………,Y,Z

A, b,……………………,y,z

  • Digits :

0, 1, 3, 4,………………..

  • Special Symbols :

+, -, *, %, &, =, |, \, {}, [], ;, :,                 “”, ‘’, <, >, ,, ., ?, /, $, ^, #, _

  • Constants :

Variables :

  • A particular type of variable can hold only the same type of constant.
  • An integer variable can hold only integer constant.
  • A real variable can hold only real constant.
  • A character variable can hold only a character constant.
  • Maximum allowable length of a variable name is 31 characters.
  • 1st character must be alphabet or underscore.
  • No commas or blanks are allowed within a variable name.
  • No special symbol except underscore (gross_sal) used in a variable name.

Examples –

Si_int, m_hra, pop_e_89

C Keywords :

  • Keywords (‘Reserved words’) are the words whose meaning has already been explained to the C compiler.
  • Cannot be used as variable names.
  • 32 Keywords are available in C.

Include extended keywords near, far, asm, etc.

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